Yoga and Relaxation for Special Needs Adults
Ora Sucov will share yoga and relaxation for a group of the special needs adults
participating in programming at the Elija School and Farm. Ora has been
teaching Yoga for Special Needs with United We Om for 4 years and is the
mother of a son on the autism spectrum.
participating in programming at the Elija School and Farm. Ora has been
teaching Yoga for Special Needs with United We Om for 4 years and is the
mother of a son on the autism spectrum.
Ora Sucov
"If you become a helper of hearts. Springs of wisdom will pour from your heart" -Rumi
Ora Graduated the 500 hour teacher training and is certified by Sonia Sumar through Integral Yoga for The Special Child. Ora has a 16 year old son with Autism and has experience working as a yoga teacher with children on the autistic spectrum. Ora will share her experience as a mother of a special needs child as a yoga teacher
Ora Graduated the 500 hour teacher training and is certified by Sonia Sumar through Integral Yoga for The Special Child. Ora has a 16 year old son with Autism and has experience working as a yoga teacher with children on the autistic spectrum. Ora will share her experience as a mother of a special needs child as a yoga teacher
Elija Farm
We provide hope through hard work one individual at a time.
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United We Om shares Trauma-Responsive and Accessible Yoga, Mindfulness and Breathing on-site in trauma-impacted and under-resourced communities at no cost to the organizations we serve or the participants in the classes.